Kula Maui Real Estate and Community

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Search all homes for sale in Kula, Keokea and Ulupalakua. Listings display by date, from newest to oldest. There may be some overlap with Pukalani since Kulamalu and Kula 200 neighborhood are both in Pukalani.

See anything you like?

When you find some suitable homes, contact me and we’ll see about getting a tour of the properties.  Please understand that 48 hours might be needed to make arrangements since people usually live in these homes.

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30 ahinahina
mano drive
kula chandelier
jacaranda tree


The rolling green landscape of Haleakala Mountain and the rural upcountry lifestyle

The Maui Tea Farm tour

Learn about this upcountry farm where they grow tea and other flowers and herbs… MORE

One year after the Maui fires

What’s the status of Lahaina now as we’re one year after the disastrous events… MORE

pineapple quilt

This shows the number of homes sold in Kula/Kanaio/Ulupalakua each month over three years.

Prickly pear cactus growing in the arid Omaopio, Lower Kula region.


The chart shows the number of Kula homes for sale over a 3 year period.  It’s interactive and up to date.